• SOMBO Baelongandi Augustin
  • ASANGO Kamoy
  • EKAKWA Ewolo Gabriel


This research shows the report between the man and the environment, because on the one hand, the man is a to be endowed with the reason and containing the stakes and the importance of the environment for his life and survival daily. Of where, he must adopt a very responsible behavior opposite the environment that constitutes a common heritage of the humanity and a common house for all living being. It is to this level that Hans Jonas, insist on the man's co-responsibility managing the environment well presently in order to think about the future generation. On the other hand, the environment being considered like a wealth returns a non negligible service to the man on the plans social, economic, cultural, anthropological, politics, sanitary, educational.


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How to Cite
Augustin, S. B., Kamoy, A., Gabriel, E. E., & MOPINA, A. M. M. (2022). HOMME ET SON ENVIRONNEMENT : POUR QUEL RAPPORT?. IJRDO - Journal of Social Science and Humanities Research, 7(5), 285-293. https://doi.org/10.53555/sshr.v7i5.5106