On 16 June 1998, the Diplomatic Conference of Plenipotentiaries was launched in Rome to
negotiate the Statute establishing the first Permanent International Criminal Court to
prosecute the most serious crimes of human history, namely war crimes, crimes against
humanity, the crime of genocide and the crime against peace or aggression. Aware that most
of these crimes are committed by States through their representatives as part of their
national policy, it was a difficult exercise for some States which national policy is based on
irredentism...., this paradigm shift against impunity should be welcome, as far as the initiative
and the organization of the aforementioned conference have improved States policies
towards the promotion of human rights.
However, the conference also had its most significant challenges, the most important of
which was state sovereignty, which some states raised to paralyze the conventional process
of creating the ICC with the required jurisdiction to prosecute mass crimes at all times and in
any place, notwithstanding age, nationality, race, social standing, the official status of the
suspect responsible for mass crimes or authors of serious violations of international
humanitarian law and human rights.
After abitter debates and negotiations, on 17 July 1998, the ICC Statute or the Rome
Convention was adopted through several arrangements(compromises) cautiously or clumsily
submiting the jurisdiction of this Court to two essential conditions: the consent of states to its
jurisdiction and the complementarity. These are a thorn in the side of the Court, which has
been struggling to function normally since the Statute came into force on July 1, 2002.
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