Le Chaos et la Nuit di Henry de Montherlant e il tramonto dell'eroe solare

  • Genovese Marilena Università della Tuscia
Keywords: pessimism, fear, death, Montherlant


The purpose of this paper is to examine Henry de Montherlant's novel Le Chaos et la Nuit (1963). The focus will be on  the main character, Celestino Marcilla, an exiled Spanish anarchist, obsessed by the Civil War.  We will demonstrate like his paranoia and his fear of death are an antithesis of the joys and the heroism expressed by Alban de Bricoul, the main character of the early literary works, Le Songe and Les Bestiaires. According to the pessimism of  the last years – the author had been blind in the left eye and had been sick in 1969 and 1971 – this novel can be considered the sadly final of the art of Henry de Montherlant.


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Author Biography

Genovese Marilena, Università della Tuscia

Università degli studi della Tuscia (Viterbo), Italia


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How to Cite
Marilena, G. (2019). Le Chaos et la Nuit di Henry de Montherlant e il tramonto dell’eroe solare. IJRDO - Journal of Social Science and Humanities Research, 4(7), 169-178. https://doi.org/10.53555/sshr.v4i7.3033