• Abdel Radi Professor Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Education, Omdurman Islamic University, Omdurman, Sudan, Ummah University of Science and Technology, Al-Rasheed College of Co-education, Turkey.
  • Adam Haroun Ishag Gary Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Education, Omdurman Islamic University, Omdurman, Sudan
  • Musa Adam Abdullah Department of Mathematics College of Computer Science and Information Technology University of the Holy Quran and Tassel of Science Sudan
Keywords: Surfaces, Manifolds, Topological Manifolds, Constant Negative Curvature


Manifold of constant negative curvature a great role in the field of physics, mathematics and engineering because it paves to the knowledge Gaussian curvature , n-sphere(s) is a topological n-manifold and objects of constant negative curvature are less familiar but they do appear in nature in the shape of corals and leave . No surprisingly , its plays an important role in geometric topology. The study aims to explain a generalization manifold of constant  negative curvature . WE followed the analytical induction mathematical method . We found the following some results. Manifold of constant negative curvature indicates to know the behavior of some of the functions and also  it reveals the Cartan-Hadamard theorem which is considered one of the importance aims of simply-connected  manifold of  nonpositive  sectional  curvature.


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How to Cite
Radi, A., Gary, A. H. I., & Abdullah, M. A. (2023). ON SOME MANIFOLDS OF CONSTANT NEGATIVE CURVATURE. IJRDO -JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICS, 9(1), 24-30. https://doi.org/10.53555/m.v9i1.5535