Common Neighbourhood Domination in Some Operations on Fuzzy Graphs

  • Abdullah Q. AL-Mekhlafi Department of Mathematics Faculty of Education and Sciences, Sheba Region University, Marib, Yemen
  • Mahiuob M. Q. Shubatah Department of mathematics, Faculty of Sciences and Education, AL-Baydaa University, AL-Baydaa, Yemen.
Keywords: fuzzy graph, common neighbourhood


In this paper, the concept of common neighbourhood CN - dominating in some operations on fuzzy graphs and denoted by γcn introduced and investigated the bound of of some operations on fuzzy graphs are obtained such as union, join, Cartesian product and composition.


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How to Cite
AL-Mekhlafi, A. Q., & Shubatah, M. M. Q. (2021). Common Neighbourhood Domination in Some Operations on Fuzzy Graphs. IJRDO -JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICS, 7(11), 04-15.