An Approximate Solution of Higher Order Ordinary Differential Equations Using Modified Adomian Decomposition Method

  • Nuha Mohammed Dabwan
  • Yahya Qaid Hasan Department of Mathematics, Sheba Region University, Yemen
Keywords: :Ordinary Differential Equation, Higher Order, Adomian Method, Initial Conditions


Modified Adomian Decomposition Method (MADM) is used in this
article to solve higher order ordinary differential equations. Some
examples are proposed to show the ability of the methed for solving
this type of equations.


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How to Cite
Nuha Mohammed Dabwan, & Yahya Qaid Hasan. (2020). An Approximate Solution of Higher Order Ordinary Differential Equations Using Modified Adomian Decomposition Method. IJRDO -JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICS, 6(7), 01-08.