Influence of Arabic language and Literature in the languages and literatures of Islamic peoples in South Asia and Malay Archipelago in Southeast Asia

  • Salahuddin Mohd. Shamsuddin (Dr.) Islamic University Sultan Sharif Ali, Brunei Darussalam.
  • Siti Sara Binti Hj. Ahmad (Dr.) Dean Islamic University Sultan Sharif Ali, Brunei Darussalam
Keywords: connections, Intellectual convergence, Influence of Arabic in the languages of Islamic peoples, Urdu, Farsi, Turkish and Malay


The national intolerance and arrogance often leads to the isolation of national language and
literature from the useful intellectual and cultural currents help to enrich the language and
literature. The Languages and Literatures by the connection among the different languages and
literatures gain the cultural reflections and social concepts vary in different societies and
We present a manifestation of the links among the languages and literatures of Islamic
peoples, and the influence of Arabic in the languages of Islamic Literatures, such as Persian, Urdu,
Turkish and Malay and other languages and their literatures. All of these languages and literatures
are influenced in their depths and dimensions by the Islamic civilization, and in any way we cannot
cut the link amongst them, because they all present the images of Islamic nation and civilization.
The languages of these literatures are affected by Arabic language, as there are countless Arabic
words in their use, this is an evidence that they all branched out from one origin, which is the
religion of Islam, therefore, who will study them study the civilization of Islam in all of its
manifestations. The impact resulted from the mixing and contact between two nations is very
necessary and a normal thing, which is very important, because it leads the national languages and
literatures to alleviate the intolerance. It should be also noted that the best part of these literatures
is that one, which was produced after the intellectual convergence between these literatures
without the feeling of national intolerance.


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Author Biographies

Salahuddin Mohd. Shamsuddin (Dr.), Islamic University Sultan Sharif Ali, Brunei Darussalam.

Professor of Islamic literature,
Faculty of Arabic Language

Siti Sara Binti Hj. Ahmad (Dr.) Dean, Islamic University Sultan Sharif Ali, Brunei Darussalam

Faculty of Arabic Language,

How to Cite
Shamsuddin (Dr.), S. M., & (Dr.) Dean, S. S. B. H. A. (2017). Influence of Arabic language and Literature in the languages and literatures of Islamic peoples in South Asia and Malay Archipelago in Southeast Asia. IJRDO- Journal of Educational Research, 2(5), 118-132.