• Hélcia Daniel
  • Kátia Barbosa Macêdo
Keywords: Moral Harassment, Clinical and Psychodynamic work, Health, Illness, organization, Work


The text aims to discuss and present data on indicators of
suffering and bullying in a public institution with group of professionals in
healthcare. We used the theoretical and methodological approach of
psychodynamic clinical work, which dealt with bullying in the emphasis the
centrality of work seen in a psychic constitution important factor of the individual
and subjective mobilization of this subject from their relationships at work.
Bullying is abusive behavior, manifested in behavior, words and actions that
may have negative effects on the psychological and physical. Thus, it analyzes
the experiences of suffering caused by bullying a group of professionals,
discussing its causes and consequences in the workplace. Guiding questions
were prepared on the categories of psychodynamic and clinical work
demonstrating the subjective mobilization and bullying as the central element of
the study. As Results revealed the incidence of bullying at different levels of
hierarchy and peer and its negative consequences, both in mental health, such
as anxiety, anger, low esteem, as physical conditions such as illness, the
removal of work, was noted aggravating psychological conditions in some
participants, it was realized too, was the organization of work, required goals
and results involving overload, pressure on results among others, greatly
exacerbate the presence on condition of bullying in the group . Although as a
result the lack of recognition was evident, and the condition of lack of speech
and improvement actions by the agents causing discouragement and
Negligence thereof.


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How to Cite
Daniel, H., & Macêdo, K. B. (2015). THE MORAL HARASSMENT IN HEALTH PROFESSIONALS IN AN ORGANIZATION PUBLIC. IJRDO-Journal of Applied Science, 1(8), 01-24.