Survey on Automated Text Documents Summarization Tools

  • Mr. Sagar S
  • Prof.Sachin Bojewar
Keywords: Information Overload, Text Documents, Text Mining, Text Summarization, Unstructured Information


Text mining has become an important research field as it tries to discover valuable information from unstructured and large
amount of texts. It becomes very difficult to get the relevant Information from the Unstructured and large amount of Single and Multiple Text
Documents. Text Mining is an important task of Text Summarization. Automated Text Summarization is the Process of reducing the Original
size of document without changing the overall meaning of the Text and achieving the relevant Information from the text documents. The goal of
the Automated Text Summarization is to minimize the User’s time for reading and understanding the document without disturbing the User’s
area of Interest. The Information Overload Problem can be easily overcome.


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Author Biographies

Mr. Sagar S

Student M. E.(I.T), Vidyalankar Institute of Technology, Mumbai University, Mumbai, India.

Prof.Sachin Bojewar

Associate Professor of InformationTechnology, Vidyalankar Institute of Technology, Mumbai University, Mumbai, India.


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How to Cite
S, M. S., & Bojewar, P. (2015). Survey on Automated Text Documents Summarization Tools. IJRDO-Journal of Applied Science, 1(2), 01-06.