Performance Analysis of Efficient Energy Management in Routing Protocol for Mobile Wireless Sensor Network

  • Anil Kumar B GMR Institute of Technology
  • K Ramkee Rao GMR Institute of Technology
Keywords: Mobile Wireless Sensor Network, NS2,, LEACHMAE, PEGASIS-MH,, RWP


Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) are promising and
very appealing technology applied to different applications.
Nodes(sensors) of a wireless sensor networks (WSNs) are
powered by exhaustible batteries with limited life span and
generally they are non-rechargeable. As the deployment of these
WSNs occurs in harsh areas generally inaccessible and sometimes
hostile, the replacement of depleted batteries is not feasible, so
nodes must therefore ensure their mission with their unique
initial strict energy budget. This constraint makes the energy
resource the most decisive and of critical importance in the
WSNs. The routing protocols have to pay much attention in this
context of energy conservation. Cluster based routing protocols
have significant impact on the energy dissipation and life time of
wireless sensor networks (WSN). In this paper the proposed
technique PEGASIS-MAEM(PEGASIS- Mobile average energy
based) protocol for Multi hop network will be achieved by
combining LEACH-MAE[1] based protocol with PEGASISMH[2]]
protocol. This novel technique overcomes the pitfalls in
present protocols and gives better mobile average energy based
Cluster Head selection. All the simulations are carried out in NS2
simulator. Simulation results shows that our proposed protocol
PEGASIS-MAEM outperforms compared to the other protocols.


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Author Biographies

Anil Kumar B, GMR Institute of Technology

Department of ECE

K Ramkee Rao, GMR Institute of Technology

Department of ECE

How to Cite
B, A. K., & Rao, K. R. (2015). Performance Analysis of Efficient Energy Management in Routing Protocol for Mobile Wireless Sensor Network. IJRDO -Journal of Computer Science Engineering, 1(6), 91-95.