Firewall Policy Advisor in Preserving Secured Data in Cloud

  • A Srinivas Sri Indu College of Engineering & technology
  • T. Charan Singh Sri Indu College of Engineering & technology
Keywords: Inter-Firewall, Framework, Segmentation, Redundancy,, Correlation


Firewalls are wide deployed on the web for securing
non-public networks. In this paper, we have a tendency to represent a
Firewall adviser policy supported a rule-based segmentation
technique to facilitate not solely a lot of correct anomaly detection
however conjointly effective anomaly resolution. A firewall
framework checks every incoming or outgoing packet to come to a
decision whether or not to just accept or discard the packet supported
its policy. previous work on firewall optimization focuses on either
inter-firewall optimization among one body domain wherever the
privacy of firewall policies isn't a priority, supported this method, a
network packet house outlined by a firewall policy are often divided
into a group of disjoint packet house segmentations. Every phase
related to a novel set of firewall rules accurately indicates associate
degree overlap relation among those rules. Every conflicting phase
associates with a policy conflict and a group of conflicting rules.
Also, the correlation relationships among conflicting segments are
known and conflict correlation teams are derived. Policy conflicts
happiness to totally different conflict correlation teams are often
resolved singly, so the looking house for breakdown conflicts is
reduced by the correlation method. During this paper we have a
tendency to reducing the quality of our protocol and that we have
incontestable rule optimization technique and Redundancy that an
analogous rule optimization is feasible within the performance load
of, and reciprocally is rising the performance of in a very vice-versa
manner. All this is often being achieved the while not or revealing
every other’s policies so letting a correct body separation


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Author Biographies

A Srinivas, Sri Indu College of Engineering & technology

Computer science & Engineering organization

T. Charan Singh, Sri Indu College of Engineering & technology

Computer science & Engineering organization

How to Cite
Srinivas, A., & Singh, T. C. (2015). Firewall Policy Advisor in Preserving Secured Data in Cloud. IJRDO -Journal of Computer Science Engineering, 1(6), 26-27.