• Dr. V.S. MANJULA Joseph College of Engineering Technology
Keywords: Educational Technology, Computer- based Learning, Learning Environments, Research Methods, Virtual Reality


Educational Technology research has moved through several stages of focusing at the beginning
on the content to be learned, then on the format of instructional messages and, finally on the
interaction between computers and students. A great majority of the theses employed quantitative
paradigm, and qualitative studies made about one fourth of the total studies. The present paper
reviews the research in technology-based learning environments in order to give both a historical
perspective on educational technology research and a view of the current state of this discipline.
To conclude that 1) trends in educational technology research were forged by the evolution of
learning theories and the technological changes 2) a clear shift from the design of instruction to
the design of learning environments can be noticed 3) there is a positive effect of educational
technology on learning, but the size of the effect varies considerably 4) learning is much more
dependent on the activity of the learner than on the quantity of information and processing
opportunities provided by the environment. The most frequently investigated topics were
computer-assisted instruction, alternative teaching and learning approaches, web-based learning,
difficulties in integrating information technologies into educational practice, Internet-based
learning, and distance education


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Author Biography

Dr. V.S. MANJULA, Joseph College of Engineering Technology

Head, Department of Information System & Network Engineering,St. Joseph College of Engineering Technology,Dar-Es-Salaam, Tanzania

How to Cite
MANJULA, D. V. (2016). NEW TRENDS AND DEVELOPMENTS IN EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY RESEARCH. IJRDO -Journal of Computer Science Engineering, 2(3), 01-06.