"Effect of environmental factors on the temporal behaviour of the Cattle egret (Bubulcus ibis) around the laxmangarh,sikar Rajasthan”
The word “Roost” is derived from the German meaning; “a sleeping house of fowls” (Campbell and Lack 1885). But, a bird’s perching or roosting place is its roost. Aggregations of roosting individuals are common in primates (Anderson 1998), bats (Lewis 1995, Wilkinson 1995), and birds (Eiserer 1984). In birds and in other animals as well, the adaptive value of communal roosting is not clearly understood. Avain communal roosting is thought to confer benefits in term of reduced thermoregulation costs, decreased predation risk, and increased foraging efficiency (Eiserer 1984, Ydenberg and prints 1984) but the results are still controversial (Richner and Hebb 1996). A greater knowledge of the ecological correlates of communal roosting could help unravel issues about the origin and maintenance of the trait in birds.
The roosting behaviour of various avian species has been studied all over the world. Some of these investigations include: Study on starling’s roosts by Brown (1946); Studies of ecological correlates have focused thus for on simple interspecific comparisons.
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